Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh, I dunno. Hanging out I suppose?

One can't help but notice that I have been absent from my blog for a litte while, is this the beginning of the end? The point where I forget about my blog and leave it to obscurity?

Hopefully not! I think it's more likely though that I have not left Tartu since I got back from the Netherlands so I assumed that nobody would want to hear about my doing nothing. But I guess most of you have lives far more boring than mine, and who I am I to keep you without your only source of entertainment?

Narcissism aside, I did actually leave Tartu once! Last Sunday in fact. After an overall lazy day in my room, at about 2:30pm I casually strolled to the bathroom to find roommate Mark Lemon frantically getting ready to leave to pick up a guitar he'd just bought from the Estonian version of ebay and asked if I wanted to come to Tallinn to get it, so I said yes! We travelled all up 5 hours there and back, and were only in Tallinn for about 2 hours, but overall it was worth it!

Just Mark and his guitar

But I can't say I've done a huge amount since then. I went to a 1920's theme party but didn't feel like dressing up, cheered on a fellow exchange student to Karaoke championship victory and aside from that just did some homework. Possibly my most boring week and a bit to read about, but it's been fun living it!

I've started to get back into the swing of the Eurovision writing now that there is actually some information flowing about and soon I will be really busy trying to balance University, Eurovision and travel, but thats the dream isn't it? If anyone wants to check out my articles; click here.

Thats all really, aside from drinking more than I should there isn't much more that I'm allowed to say, so here's what you all come here for anyway, photos of Horace!

Horace in front of Riga's famous Laima clock and in front of the Heerenveen Windmill

Final thought!

If you want to write a blog about your adventures in Europe, sometimes you should actually do something. Alternatively make a note about them so you can remember what you did and blog about them later.


  1. Miss you Liam! P.S What the hell did those chips from a few blogs back taste like? xoxo

  2. Haley! Miss you too!

    Those chips tasted kiiiinda like Dijon mustard, but not quite. But that is the closest thing I think of them as.

  3. Yay. Talk to you tonight :) xxxxxx
